One-man Biblical Performances by Award winning Bible Actor
Mac McConnell is a faith ministry offering most performances on an "As the Lord leads" basis to churches (where needed) and many organizations, plus travel expense as necessary according to Acts 3:6 - "Simon Peter said, "Silver or gold I have none, but what I have I give."

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Bible Actor Mac McConnell joins Christian actors with church dramas for outreach and evangelism. Many people ask, "Have you always been into theater or drama like other Christian actors, Mac?" My answer is "No, it was a fluke." But, after 22 years, over 900 performances, in 7 countries to some half a million folks it must be much more than a fluke! 

I surely credit the Fort Lauderdale Christmas Pageant with the true beginnings of this undeniable desire to present Biblical truths through drama. However, in 1990 Leadership Broward Seven gave my first "acting" debut. It was only a skit, but it must have been a hit - at least with me. I got the bug and it was infectious. That year I was co-narrator of the Emmy Award winning Fort Lauderdale Christmas Pageant. But, of all Christian actors I must credit Frank Runyeon with the pivotal moment in my fledgling pursuit. Frank left a big time Hollywood soap star career to present The Gospel of Mark across the US with rave reviews. He spent just a couple of hours with me, but oh-mi-gosh what an impact.

What About You?, Inc. DBA One Way Productions was born. As a hobby at first, now a full time ministry expanded to a series of historical novels on the order of Jerry Jenkins, Gene Edwards, Charles Swindol, Anne Rice, and Sigmund Brower.

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